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Duck & Rabbit SHOOT

Duck & Rabbit SHOOT

Duck & Rabbit SHOOT Challenge is forest hunter simulation game for professional shooter of safari hare fishing game. Hunt specific number of real rabbits with limited time to complete the waves of the place. Kill the animal by aiming and protecting the weapons. Any rabbits or animals must be hunted by you. Enter the forest with modern FPS guns like Bow, Crossbow, HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) and Gatling Mini Machine Gun and start trapping yourself in this wild rabbit jungle chase. Try to be the master of trapping and crossbow hare shooting by becoming animal hunter and playing hare which is one of the best hunting games.


Controls Guide:

  • Aim: Move your cursor to aim at the rabbits or animals.

  • Shoot: Click or tap the left mouse button or screen to shoot the weapon.

  • Change Weapon: Press the number keys or use the weapon selection menu to switch between the different available weapons.

  • Reload: Press the "R" key or tap the reload button to reload your weapon.

How to Play:

  1. Start the game by selecting a weapon from the available options.

  2. Enter the forest and begin your hunt for rabbits and other animals.

  3. Use your weapon to aim and shoot at the animals within the given time limit.

  4. Each wave will have a specific number of animals that you need to hunt within the time limit.

  5. Use different weapons and tactics to complete each level and progress through the game.

Remember to protect yourself from any animals that may try to attack you. Try to aim for headshots for a quick and clean kill, and make sure to reload your weapon when necessary. Good luck with your hunt!

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